
SME Tomsk Electronic Company takes every effort to satisfy the customers' requirements and needs in long-term and failure-free operation of the supplied products and reduction of maintenance time. Maintenance Department of SME Tomsk Electronic Company provides maintenance and support for all its products during their whole service life.

Maintenance Policy of SME TEC

  • Timely and professional support of operational capacity of the equipment, manufactured by SME TEC
  • Support to ultimate consumers regardless of the way for the equipment supply
  • Servicing the Customer till the occurred technical problem is fully resolved
  • Individual approach to each client and occurred technical problem
  • Consulting support during post guarantee period of the equipment operation

Service Efficiency

In order to perform service and maintenance of the equipment, Maintenance Department of SME TEC possesses all necessary engineering and production resources, quality management system certified as per ISO 9001:2008, required licenses for various operations and permits.

Maintenance Department of SME TEC keeps a regular stock of spare parts and finished items for the equipment repair.

Maintenance Department of SME TEC is prepared to provide all information required for setup and operation of the SME TEC equipment.

Maintenance Services of SME TEC

  • Guarantee service for the SME TEC equipment
  • Commissioning (setup) of the SME TEC equipment
  • Advising and assistance in resolving difficult questions, related to setup and operation of the equipment
  • Service assistance on the equipment installation site, including technical maintenance, trouble shooting and restoring of the equipment to working condition
  • Training (briefing) of the Customer specialists in setup and operation of the SME TEC equipment

SME TEC Service Contract

SME Tomsk Electronic Company offers its Customers concluding service contracts according to which SME TEC shall perform commissioning of the equipment and guarantee restoring to working condition within the time agreed with the Customer.

Availability of the service contract for the post-guarantee period provides the Customer with confidence in trouble-free operation of the equipment and allows minimizing downtime losses caused by the equipment failure.

The service contract can be concluded during guarantee and post guarantee period of the operation and implies various forms of service provision:

  • Various options of technical services
  • Equipment replacement for the time of repair
  • Regular visits of highly qualified specialists to the Customer
  • Emergency visits of highly qualified specialists to the Customer
  • Regular presence of SME TEC technical specialists at the Customer's site

Applying for Maintenance

In order to save your time and properly organize the actions of our specialists, you are kindly requested to indicate the following when referring to the Maintenance Department and sending the written requests for the maintenance:

  • Production serial number, modification of the product
  • Facility and its location
  • Contact phones of the specialists, operating the equipment
  • Summary of the occurred technical problem
  • Action taken prior to (or during) the technical problem occurrence
  • Action taken to resolve the technical problem
  • Any other additional information on the technical problem

Please note, that completeness and integrity of the received information will facilitate the faster resolution of the existing problem.

Service Levels


Average Duration of Maintenance

Description of Level

Grounds for Maintenance


1-2 weeks

 Commissioning (setup) of the equipment.

 Service Contract 
Supply Contract


up to 48 hours

 Advising of the SME TEC Maintenance. Department by phone, e-mail and remote trouble shooting.

Upon referral


1-2 weeks

 Site visit of the SME TEC specialist for modular repair (if technically possible).

Guarantee service
Service Contract


2-4 weeks* 
(exclusive delivery time)

 Equipment repair at SME TEC.
 Duration of the repair depends on the nature of failure.
 Delivery time depends on the facility remoteness and way of transportation.

 Guarantee service
Service Contract


 Within a year*
(Planned operations)

 Technical maintenance and operation capability testing.
 Supervision and randomized testing of operation capability.
 Planned repair.

Service Contract

Note: the above mentioned time periods are standard for addressing service applications for the electric drives and can vary depending on the type of the products, complexity of the technical problem and scope of work.

Maintenance Department:  +7 (3822) 63-41-76,  E-mail: