Order Sheet

Structure of GSM Identification Code:

GSM - ХХ - ХХ - Х / Х / Х -Х - Х - Х


Example of gas detector identification code when placing an order as per TU 4215-410-20885897-2006:

 - Modular Gas Detector GSM-03-09-2/2/А-1-2-1

 - Gas detector GSM-05-01-3/2/А-0-0-3

Example of gas detector identification code, equipped with thermal catalytic sensor and forced feed when placing an order as per TU 4215-410-20885897-2006:

- Modular Gas Detector GSM-03-09-2/2/А-1-2-1; forced feed

In order to place an order one is to fill Order Sheet and forward it